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UAVs also known as "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", are commonly known as a drone. It is also referred to as an unpiloted aerial vehicle. Drones have been used by the military for a long time and codger up scary images and uses. There is no doubt that Drones are now going to be a big part of Real Estate and Commercial uses. With drones, comes issues, from safety to privacy to regulations on who and how they can be used--from aerial photography to delivering packages, Pizzas and --well the list is endless. There are as many drones as there are uses.
Below are stories about drones, their uses, and the regulations that will be dictating how the business of drones will fly.
Stories on Drones
Updated Continuously | Epic.org Privacy Issues with Domestic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Drones
April 1, 2015 | Business Insider37 incredible drone photos from across the globe that would be totally illegal today
March 28, 2015 | Mercury News
Home California Story As Santa Clara County procures 'stingray' cell tracker, increased scrutiny surrounds potentially invasive device
- March 10, 2015 | Associated Press
Secret Service testing drones, how to disrupt their flying
- March 4, 2015 l Fiscal Note Blog
Drone issues remain on docket in half the states
- February 17, 2015 | KCRA
California lawmakers consider drone privacy bill
- February 16, 2015 l HotAir.com
FAA issues initial drone rules and they don’t look good
- February 16, 2015 l Insurance Journal.com
U.S. Issues Draft Rules on Commercial Use of Drones; Insurers Welcome
February 15, 2015 l Pollitico.com FAA issues its small drone rule
- February 10, 2015 | Mashable
Drones in police departments raise red flags for privacy advocates
- February 6, 2015 | Nextgov
Few Privacy Limitations Exist on How Police Use Drones
- February 3, 2015 | The Guardian
White House drone crash fallout shows who really owns your drones, says EFF
- February 3, 2015 l Electronic Frontier Foundation
Secure Our Borders First Act Would Ensure Proliferation of Drones at the Border
- January 12, 2015 l Electronic Frontier Foundation
Drone and CCTVs for Everyone: Surveillance Tech Expands Across Latin America
- January 7, 2015 | Los Angeles Times
Border drones are ineffective, badly managed, too expensive, official says
- December 8, 2014 | Courthouse News
EFF Drops Case Against DOT Over Drone Records
- September 26, 2014 | US News
Who Else Gets Hollywood's FAA Drone Deal?
- September 12, 2014 | CNET
California bill would ban police drone spying without warrant
- September 9, 2014 | Truth Out
Pentagon Funds New Data-Mining Tools to Track and Kill Activists
- September 8, 2014 | 10 News
Bill would require law enforcement to obtain warrant for drones
- March 13, 2014| Smithsonian Magazine