Michael Travis

NH Lake Aquatic Exotic Plants and Algae


Our lakes are only as good as the weeds that ARE NOT in them. Our waterfront home's values depend on it. 

There have been No New Aquatic Invasive Plant Species Infestations for Two Years and Counting

Just because a lake has a history of an invasive weed doesn't mean it is terrible lake. It most likely is a tiny small section of a lake and has little impact on the entire lake and most likely being monitored by lake associations and the state. 

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Sciences (NHDES) recognizes the threats invasive aquatic species pose to our aquatic resources.  The Invasive Species Program has five focal areas: 1) Prevention of new infestations; 2) Monitoring for early detection of new infestations to facilitate rapid control activities; 3) Control of new and established infestations; 4) Research towards new control methods with the goal of reducing or eliminating infested areas; and 5) Regional cooperation. 

There is a system of lake monitoring from people who inspect boats before they enter any of our public waters and other monitoring as well as treatment. The states offers grants to lake associations to help. 

NH Invasive Species Program

New Hampshire actively protects our freshwater resources from aquatic invasive species since they were first identified in the state in the 1960s. Today, nearly 100 bodies of water across the state are negatively impacted by growths of aquatic exotic or invasive species. The most prevalent state listed exotic plants nuisance weed is Variable Milfoil which can choke a lake if not controlled. It can come on as a small piece on a boat launched into a lake. Others include, Eurasian milfoil, Fanwort, Water Chestnut, European naiad, curly-leaf pondweed, Asian Clam, and Zebra Mussels.

NH Algae

Algae also known as phytoplankton, are tiny microscopic plants that grow naturally in lakes, rivers and oceans. Algae can grow fast and form dense concentrations often referred to as blooms. Algal blooms generally occur under high phosphorus concentrations and can cause the water to appear murky. Usually harmless however ont 

Cyanobacteria  (formerly known as blue-green algae) are photosynthetic bacteria that utilize the suns energy but also behave as bacteria. Cyanobacteria are some of the earliest inhabitants of our waters; naturally occur in most of our lakes, though often in relatively low numbers in New Hampshire. Many species of cyanobacteria grow in colonies to form surface water “blooms.” Blooms are usually bluegreen in color. 




CALL NHDES TO REPORT A SCUM: (603) 848-8094.


NH Prevention, Control and Research Grant Programâ?¯

Grants are available to local Lake Associations and municipalities for the control and/or prevention of state-listed exotic aquatic plants, and to institutions of higher learning for in furthering research associated with exotic aquatic plant management, control, biology, ecology or prevention.â?¯

Click Here for a complete Aquatic Plant Identification

Click here for a list of Infested Waterbodies in New Hampshire (as of 12/19) It shows the year when it was first known.

Click Here for a map of Aquatic Invasive Species in New Hampshire  (as of 12/19).

Click Here for info on Full Report on NH Lake Exotic Plants

Click here for a Complete Book on NH Lake plants and Algae by Amy P. Smagula and Jody Connor

Click here for a National List of all invasive species (plants, bugs and Animals)

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