Michael Travis

FEMA Flood Maps and your home

FEMA Flood Maps, Your Home, and Building Risks Ratings


Ever since the "Mothers Day Floods" of 2008 when we had over 13 inches of rain in 2 days, all of the flood maps changed. There were places where Dams breached and some rivers actually changed how they flowed. We can all talk about whether to blame climate change or bad luck we just don't always know. There is a lot attention on what happens on the ocean shore land but remember New Hampshire only has 13 miles of shore. What we do have are1300 lakes and over 20,000 miles of rivers that could be subject to so many potential floods. So FEMA maps are changing. This may impact your insurance if your home is in a flood zone. It also impacts how homes are being built

So click on the link below to see if your house stands in a flood zone.


Here is FEMA video on Risk Rating 2.0: Equity in Action, It shows how FEMA will take into consideration specific characteristics of a building to provide a more individualized, modern and equitable flood insurance rate.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQea76LTW-Y

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