Michael Travis

State & Local Conservation Groups

  Lake WInnipesaukee Sunset

With a state of so much natural beauty and over 1300 lakes and over 10,000 miles of rivers as well as more snowmobile trails than roads, no wonder there are so many useful and helpful State & Local Conservation Groups available. Here is a partial list:

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
PO Box 95
6 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-271-3503
Fax: 603-271-2867

New Hampshire Rivers Council
54 Portsmouth Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-228-6472
Fax: 603-228-0423

Audubon Society of New Hampshire
3 Silk Farm Road
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-224-9909
Fax: 603-226-0902

Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests
54 Portsmouth Street
Concord, NH 03301-5400
Phone: 603-224-9945
Fax: 603-228-0423

Nature Conservancy -- New Hampshire Field Office
2 1/2 Beacon Street Ste 6
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-224-5853

National Park Service

New Hampshire Department of Fish and Game
2 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301

American Rivers 
1025 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 720
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 347-7550
Fax: (202) 347-9240

Local Conservation Organizations

 Bear Paw Regional Greenways: working to establish a network of voluntarily protected lands, that would eventually form "greenway corridors" linking significant protected areas in southeastern New Hampshire. Contact: Susan Zankel, office phone #: 603 - 463 - 9400.

 Coe Brown Northwood Academy - Young Environmental Activists: student group that participates in a variety of environmental projects in the Northwood region, such as water quality monitoring. Contact: Wini Young, Environmental Science teacher, 942-5531

 Concerned Citizens for a Safe Environment: a group of Raymond citizens that ensures the appropriate use of both developed and undeveloped land and the proper enforcement of the town's zoning regulations. Contact: Bob Carlberg, PO Box 735, Raymond, NH, 03077, 895-9037

 Governor's Lake Improvement Association: monitors water quality through the New Hampshire Voluntary Lake Assessment Program and is a member of the New England Chapter of the North American Lake Management Society. Contact: Bob Baudette, 508-663-6856

 Great Bay Watch: a citizen estuarine monitoring group that currently watches 15 sites on the tidal portions of the estuary and maintains 4 monitoring sites on the Lamprey River itself. Contact: Ann Reid, Sea Grant Extensions, Kingman Farm/UNH, Durham, NH, 03824, 749-1565

 Great Bay Stewards: a support group for the Sandy Point Discovery Center in Stratham, NH. Contact: Fred Langley, Chairman, 17 Tidewater Farm Road, Greenland, NH, 03840

 Lamprey River Advisory Committee: a committee of representatives from Durham, Epping, Lee, and Newmarket charged with developing and implementing a river management plan under the New Hampshire State River Management and Protection Program. Also the Local Advisory Committee under the national Wild and Scenic Rivers Program.

 Lamprey River Watershed Association: involved in land protection, water quality monitoring and publication of a layman's water quality monitoring guide, public education, recreational activities, assistance with waterfront development proposals, and the Lamprey's designation as a Wild and Scenic River.

 Pawtuckaway Lake Association: monitors 15 sites within the subwatershed of the lake for water quality 5 times per year and, with the data collected, tries to reduce impacts from the identified pollution sources.

Strafford and Rockingham Land Trusts: Rockingham Land Trust, 156 Water Street, NH 03833; 603 - 778 - 0885.

UNH Cooperative Extension: 108 Pettee Hall,, 55 College Road, Durham, NH, 03824, 862-1029

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